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DL4 MKII Update Issues-"device must first be booted into boot loader."

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Out of the box my DL4 MKII is unusable and nearly blew my amplifier because the loops do not degrade, they just build and get louder. I find out theres an update. I try to update. I go to follow the directions given by LINE 6, but at direction "At the Select Device To Update screen, DL4 MkII should be listed and a popup reading "DL4 MkII detected" should appear." It never did any of that or said where the Select Device screen was and I couldn't find it.


So I went to Sweetwater and followed their directions. When I connected and opened the updater, I received a message that says, verbatim, "In order to updated your DL4 MKII device it must first be booted into boot loader. Click Show Details for more info." Wont let me click Show Details. Its like clicking unlinked text. Nothing. 


Tried to contact LINE 6. Impossible. No answers, no phone number to call. Im pretty pissed off right now. Please help me.


NOTE: Im running Mac OS 11.1


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